Parataxis And Hypotaxis Used In Clause Complexes In The Conclusion Of ”Skripsi”

Penulis                 : Achmad Hilal Madjdi
Tebal                     : viii + 48 halaman
Ukuran                 : 15,5 x 23 cm
Kertas Isi              : Bookpaper 57 cm (BW)
Sampul                 : Soft doff
Kategori               : Pendidikan dan pengajaran
Tahun terbit       : 2023
Penerbit              : Bildung



This book is written on the basis of the study which focuses on the analysis of compound sentences created by students and their meanings. The authors analyzed the conclusions of the skripsi written by students of the Faculty of English Language Education of Muria Kudus University in April 2017 graduation time.
It has been widely understood that Writing is considered to be the most difficult task for students. They need to share ideas and connect sentences. Writing a Skripsi is no different from any other academic paper, as many things need to be considered. At the end of Skripsi, the student must write a conclusion outlining her Skripsi.
Above all, this book tries to give a brief overview of how student construct parataxis and hypotaxis in the conclusion part of their skripsi and how it implicates to the overall meaning of the text.