Norms In The Classroom Interaction Between Teacher And Students In The English Class Of Senior High School

Penulis                 : Achmad Hilal Madjdi
Tebal                     : viii + 40 halaman
Ukuran                 : 15,5 x 23 cm
Kertas Isi              : Bookpaper 57 cm (BW)
Sampul                 : Soft doff
Kategori               : Pendidikan dan pengajaran
Tahun terbit       : 2023
Penerbit              : Bildung



This book is written on the basis of a research that focuses on the investigation on the application of norms by both teacher and students during their classroom interaction. In this study, dialogues between teachers and students are not only a variation of classroom activities that significantly color the teaching and learning process, but also show the quality of interaction it self.
It’s no secret that building communication is considered the most essential task for teacher and students during the teaching and learning process. They need to exchange ideas and connect their mind to understand the subject matter. In doing so, teacher and students need to consider many things including the choice of words, attitudes as well as expression.